
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Review PLOT (SPOILARS!!)

Before I begin, I’d like to say that this is just the review of the storyline of The Subspace Emissary and that spoilers are bound to ensue (as will be true with all of our plot reviews)  just keep that in mind if you still decide to read this review.

This game has many flaws in the plane of story. It’s not that there are many plot-holes, it’s just that there are many missed opportunities to make the story better (e.g. Pointless parts, parts that don’t make sense, over-relying on suspension of disbelief, etc.).
My main gripe with the game is that it’s incredibly unbalanced. 60% of it is just normal, adventure, Kirby-style levels, while the rest of it is the boss battles and The Great Maze, that’s right 30 % of the game is the final level! This isn’t because the game is short, it’s because the level is way too long!
Another, less significant problem with the plot is the confusing places the characters are when they begin. It’s tolerable at the beginning (it annoys me that Mario has found himself yet ANOTHER hobby for himself, but that’s beside the point) and it gets more and more unbelievable as they go on to try to cram 90% of the game’s characters into this story. Link starts off looking for the master sword in the forest, here’s the problem with that, why doesn’t he already have it? If he is, indeed, the same Link from Twilight Princess, he should still have the master sword. later in the story (or earlier, to be honest I really can’t remember) Fox comes out of Freaking nowhere to save Diddy Kong from Rayquaza
the story does well from there, until one point where you see every ship in the continuity of all of the series’ heading into the subspace at once. Once you enter the subspace, Tabuu, the hidden antagonist of the game, spreads his wings and turns all of your fighters (that went into the subspace) into trophies.
And finally, Sonic appears. He’s been unseen the whole way through the subspace, and comes in at the “perfect time” to break Tabuu’s wings to disenable him from turning fighters into trophies. My problem with this is that sonic only appears just before the final boss; after the longest level and everyone else has flown in on a ship to enter the subspace. Sonic’s just there at the end.

FINAL VERDICT: Of course, if I go on, you guys will get bored with me, even though I could write a short book on all of the problems with this story, fighting games just shouldn’t have stories.

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